> Here is an article on why Apple needs to get into the netbook market.
> http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-18438_7-10173772-82.html


1. Do you have a netbook? Which one? Size?

2. What software and features do you use most? Do you need to print?

3. Pros and cons of your netbook?

4. Recommended or not?

I have an iPod Touch. It's fine for mobile web, good for email, not so good for composing messages. It would be fine if I could attach one of those roll-up silicone keyboards to it for longer messages, and when it gets copy and paste features. As an iPod it's awesome for music, video, podcasts, games, apps.

Netbook? I like ones that are less than 7", preferably small enough to fit in the pocket of cargo pants or jacket. Maybe the Nokia N97 phone might do, but can it print to a wireless printer? Or UMID super mini netbook [$500??!!]. Maybe Imovio iKit. GoBook MR1.


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