David Turk
> We have a group that will be doing oral histories, & then
> giving us the files.  We'd prefer this stay all-digital,
> so we don't have to do the conversion from cassette tape.
> Can someone recommend a device?  Also, the ones I've been
> looking at can save files as both WAV & MP3.  Would there
> be a preferred format?  These will be voice recordings
> only, no music.
> tia.

One of the podcasts I listen to is by www.insightcruises.com
Last December(??) there was a series 3 podcasts (actually
one session that was split into three pieces) and the speaker
talks about the equipment that is used and how to produce and
make the podcast ready for release (how to make it available
for itunes, podcatcher, etc.  One of the things the speaker
talked about was the equipment that worked well for that

Take care  | This clown speaks for himself, his job doesn't
Wayne D.   | supply this, at least not directly
This is NOT Burger King.  You do not get it YOUR way.

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