So what you are saying Tom is that Mac's now need to carry a luxury tax as they are only purchased by the rich?

Hold the presses, we found another way for the Government to raise money!!!


At 01:09 PM 3/27/2009, you wrote:
>Nice spin, but no, their primary point is having a choice. On her $1,000
>budget she could choose between many PCs, or she could take the one Mac,
>which didn't fit her requirements.

Well I guess if you want to go totally Socialist on us, that could be the
point. She wanted a Mac. She went first to the Mac store. But in our
Capitalistic society she was judged to not provide enough value to
society. Hence she lacked the cash and had to settle for a proletariat

Maybe if she stared in a few more MS commercials she'll be able to get a

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