>From reports, Bill Gates was never happy about those I'm a mac/pc ads.  Ever
reactionary, MS has been trying to compete with the combination of the
apparently failure of vista and OS X's increasing (although still small)
market share.


There is a tinge of truth I think to the elitist attitude expressed more by
Apple in general then paticular users, although it's not hard to run into
those users if you look around.  Her line about not being cool enough for
Apple has that tinge of sarcastic truth that some feel.

On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 3:39 PM, E. Riley Casey <rileyca...@espsound.com>wrote:

> I have yet to see the advertisement that seems to have sparked this little
> digression on the part of the denizens of the list.  I am curious as to how
> it is that the focus has so quickly jumped to socialism and class warfare (
> admittedly from the usual suspects ) without any real comment on the
> phenomena of the worlds largest software maker feeling the need to advertise
> a third party product ( an HP computer I believe in this case ) at the
> expense of a competitor with less than 10% of the market in question.  I'm
> as partisan as the next bozo on the list but how is this not the topic of
> the thread on a computer mailing list?  I am genuinely surprised.
>  Maybe if she stared in a few more MS commercials she'll be able to get a
> Mac.
> --
> E. Riley Casey
> Silver Spring MD
> 301-608-2180 ph
> 301-608-0789 fx
> 301-440-2923 shoe phone
> Entertainment Sound Production ( http://www.ESPsound.com )
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