Completely ignore the email to take more weird shots at your imaginary

One quick logic problem..well one of the logic problems...why would your
WFB's put apple software on their machines just to complain about it?

On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 10:50 AM, Tom Piwowar <> wrote:

> >I can see going after ms in some cases...using the monopoly power of
> windows
> >to force in IE...but unless I'm recollecting incorrectly itunes and ipods
> >have *always* been tied together even when they had no market share.  And
> >since they now have more market share, has apple ever actually used this
> >ipod/itunes to leverage in OTHER areas?
> While MS stopped development of IE for the Mac after they pulled ahead of
> Netscape, Apple did quite the opposite. There are Windows versions of
> iTunes, Safari, QuickTime, etc. In fact, WFBs complain about the
> existance of "impure" Apple software on their beloved hardware.
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