Here Thomas, this one is from this century, and actually relevant:,2254.html

It turns out that Miller, a Mac user, says what we PC Weenies have been
saying all along: you rob banks because that's where the money is (oh, and
Macs are safer through obscurity):

"Between Mac and PC, I'd say that Macs are less secure for the reasons we've
discussed here (lack of anti-exploitation technologies) but are more safe
because there simply isn't much malware out there. For now, I'd still
recommend Macs for typical users as the odds of something targeting them are
so low that they might go years without seeing any malware, even though if
an attacker cared to target them it would be easier for them."

My favorite part?  About the economics of hacking.  Turns out, hacking a Mac
isn't worth all that much, contrary to what we've always been told on this

" Charlie: Right. That is true at Pwn2Own partially too. Mac bugs aren't
really valuable, but while $5,000 is a lot of money, it's really not that
much when you consider what a bad guy could make with an exploit for an
unknown vulnerability in, say, IE 8 running on Vista. The one thing other
contests do test that Pwn2Own doesn't is speed. I could have written my
exploit in a day or a week or even a month. At other contests, you have to
be ready to go non-stop for three days or whatever. I really never work more
than eight hours a day."

> >Which only makes Windows harder to hack, at least according to the man
> who
> >pwned the Mac in less than 2 minutes.
> More dishonest propaganda from the WFBs.

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