> My point is that Lady Shopright COULD have had  a Mac laptop, IF she
> hadn't wanted to pay a Wal-Mart discount price for a fancy, premium
> new machine.  Which is pretty unrealistic--if she had done 5 minutes'
> worth of research on the Net, she would have known that.  No need for
> even a pretend visit to the Apple Store.

Constance, this really doesn't strike you as criticizing a TV commercial for
being a TV commercial? They are that they are. They make their points
visually. The shot of her walking away from the Apple store empty-handed was
a great visual. Would anything she did on the net have as much effect?
They're both plausible, so why use the option that wouldn't show as well?
Why would they do that? If you ran the ad agency making this commercial,
would YOU do that?

Does any of this affect the truthiness of its basic point, that if you need
a laptop with a decent size screen and you have only a thousand bucks,
you're out of luck with Apple because they don't make one? Isn't that
factually accurate?

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