On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 06:51:52 -0400, Chris Dunford wrote:

>> I have this image of Tom sitting at home being deliberately obtuse,
>> seeing how much shit he can stir up on this list. It's really not worth
>> it to play his games.
>I know. It has occurred to me more than once that if this were anyplace
>else, the dreaded "tr*ll" word would have come up long ago. It's hard to

Ah yes. The T word. It's been so long that I've been on a list that had
the problem I forgot all about it.

>come up with a different explanation for some of the more egregious items
>(such as, iMac is suitable for use on an airplane, and only weightlifters
>are strong enough to carry an HP laptop).

Well, Chris mightn't want to come right out and say it, but frak it, I
will: Tom acts like a troll sometimes. Unfortunately, it's his list, so
he's not likely to reign in the offender, or boot him off.


Tea. . .Earl Grey. . .Hot

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