I'm betting that he didn't notice the bit of the URL that got wrapped
to the next line.  This is a good time to remind people that if you
don't want to use tinyurl or similar service, you can wrap the
URL with < > and most mail clients will link to the whole URL even
if it is wrapped across multiple lines.  Try it here

<http://www.businessinsider.com/what-should-microsoft-call-its-search-engine-bing-kumo-poll-2009-4 >

This is what I get:  The page you are trying to reach does not exist.

Works for me. Do you have your Vista Alternate Reality Firewall on?

Besides, "Old Blue Eyes" was Sintra.

All those musical geezers look the same to me. Sue, you must be a lot
older than I am.

On the other hand, voting for "Sin" would be fine too.

Imagine MS putting up a $100M ad budget to promote sin! The Rev. would
just have to hang it up.

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