A laptop? Strangely, everyone I know - myself included - drags around
mice with their laptops, so I *always* have a middle mouse button

As Tom said, if you don't mind using two hands there are hotkeys. You
can also right-click and "open link in new tab". Thing is, you don't
want EVERY link you click to open new tabs, only some of them. Have
you considered a mouse for the laptop?

That's odd. I rarely see anyone using a mouse with their notebooks that they carry around, only with desktop-replacement ones at home.

All Mozilla apps had click-and-hold contextual menus as a default until Firefox 3. Even though I have a mouse that can do right/left click, I like the click-and-hold method better. Dumped the multi-buttons when my trackball died years ago.

To return that preference to it's proper default, go back to about:config. Enter "click" [no quotes] as your filter in the search field. For ui.click_hold_context_menus, set value as true. You'll see other settings that you can change, like browser.tabs.opentabfor.middleclick [not much good for a one- or two-button mouse], and browser.urlbar.clickAtEndSelects.

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