Tom Piwowar
>>Oh, boy, here we go.
>>Who exactly says that, and why? MS licensed it, which to the
>>best of my knowledge isn't theft.
>>(Anyway, it was Seattle Computer Products, not DR.  DR's OS
>>was CP/M.)

> I'm sure MS has a division assigned to rewriting history and
> you have a shelf of their briefing books...

> "Digital Research (Gary Kildall) was livid at the cloning of
> his OS (and a cheap clone at that). Up to this point he felt
> but seems to have remained bitter about this event."


> I caution anyone following this story to check the
> source of the information they are reading.


Take care  | This clown speaks for himself, his job doesn't
Wayne D.   | supply this, at least not directly
Death has been proven to be 99% fatal in laboratory rats!

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