>I would not have the same level of confidence in cheaper computer 
>hardware and software until there is a CSA (Computer and Software 
>Administration) evaluating all new hardware and software, which of 
>course, is just silly.

Excellent point.

If Jeff had his way, the stricter regulation would protect us from 
defective software like the playground for viruses that is Windows.

Maybe Jeff is on to something. Microsoft does what it does and shifts the 
tremendouns costs on to its customers. This is sort of like polluters who 
dump waste into the river and profit by shifting the cost to the 
fishermen who lose their fishery and the municipalities who lose their 
clean drinking water and the public who has higher health costs, loses 
recreation opportunities, etc.

If we had a Computer Review And Protection Agency (CRAPA) then MS would 
have to pay for toxic clean ups after virus infestations and pay for 
remediation to prevent future viruse infestations. That would be fair. 
That would give Microsoft the financial incentive to clean up their 
crappy software.

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