>Sometimes good print shops get bad files from customers and have to redo 
>them almost completely. Then they get hell from the customer who gave 
>them a Publisher or Word file, wanting to know why it's so expensive to 
>print their files.

But the higher fees at least give the idiots some incentive to find out 
why the job caused so much of a problem.

We teach a class in preflighting files that are sent to commercial 
printers. One of the class' selling points is the quick return on 
investment. The printer's "up charges" on just one job will often pay for 
the cost of the class. After that the savings continue.

The same is true for computers, but clever propaganda makes the victims 
think that these unreasonable costs are just a normal part of the deal. 
They buy the cheap computer and then pay and pay and pay to keep the 
defective product running. They lose productivity and have to maintain an 
army of fixer uppers to keep their "cheap" computers running.

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