> If it were true it would be yet another tempest in a tea pot, something
> of no consequence. Is somebody writing M$ instead of MS the best
> diversion from reality that our dear WFBs can come up with?
> Bottom line is that they can't continue their good-because-its-cheap
> propaganda campaign any further so they have to change the subject with
> feigned outrage.
> Silly boys.

I want to confirm that you are saying it is OK to alter quoted text. 

I am not talking about someone writing "M$", I am talking about someone who
deliberately changed text when he quoted it. This is *not* the same as
"somebody writing M$ instead of MS".

In your opinion, this is OK. No crap about Windows, WFBs, reality, or
propaganda. Is it OK to alter text that you are quoting, or not? Here is a
list of all possible answers to the question:

1. Yes, it is OK to alter quoted text.
2. No, it is never OK to alter quoted text.

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