Here are a few things you can try:

1)  Go to Startup Disk in System Preferences and see if the partition
shows up there.  It probably won't, since it is not showing up in
Disk Utility or when you start up with the option key held down,
but you might get lucky.

2) In Disk Utility, try selecting the hard disk and then the Mac
partition, and note the capacity of each. Is there very little difference
between their two sizes, or is the Mac partition size smaller than the
hard disk capacity by the size of the Windows partition? If the Windows
partition size is missing from the mac partition, that is a good sign that
the Windows partition is still there but hidden somehow.  While you
have Disk Utility open, verify the disk, and if it shows problems, boot
up from the software disk and repair the disk and see if this helps.

3)  Reset the PRAM.  The PRAM and NVRAM (which is reset at the
same time) contains some disk boot information.  Reseting them may
therefore help.

4) I second the earlier suggestion that you start up your computer in
target disk mode connected to another computer and find out what the
other computer sees.

5) As already suggested, try a disk utility like Disk Warrior or Drive 10.

Subject: Re: Vanishing Windows PC RESULTS

Well, back to the old drawing board.  My husband reports that Disc
Utility does not show the partition with Windows.  He says that it
might show up in 10.5 [which he says he's going to install on the
computer eventually--and maybe sooner, now that this problem has
cropped up].  I'm now on 10.4.

I don't have to have the Windows side in the next 5 minutes or
anything, but I feel that I really need to know what happened to it.


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