Hi All! Thanks to wonderful Comcast Cable here in Baltimore County, MD, we have now lost the ability to watch WETA, Channel 26, on any of our TV's. We hook directly to cable, not using their 'box,' which means we are now losing HD signals as quickly as Comcast can drop them. This forces us to buy a "conversion box" for every TV in the house -- & we have more than our share, or to stop watching the stations that switch.

I have borrowed an HD "set-top" conversion box to see what's available "over the air" on our tv's. All are "pre-HD" and I'd rather not go out buy all new TV sets, or even one new TV set, as our existing sets work fine. However, in reading the instructions that came with the over-the- air box, it looks like I also need some type of antenna. Of course, we have no "rabbit ears" or other antenna's, and we don't intend to have a rooftop antenna installed just to watch WETA and other stations on one or two tv's.

So: Can anyone suggest a place to buy a set-top antenna to work with an older TV and an HD conversion box? Or a place to begin looking for same?

&: If we are forced to get an HD TV in order to see the shows I'm now missing, any info on which type of HD TV is best would be appreciated. (One with QAM, one without QAM, what the differences are, etc,etc. I'm unable to comprehend the info I find over the internet. It's all contradictory and confusing. & -- Yes -- i can read the words, I just can't understand their meaning.)


Mical Wimoth Carton

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