Two points here.  No, at this point with win 7 on the horizon there is no
reason to go out and buy a copy of Vista.  If you are purchasing a new
computer which comes loaded with Vista then good, leave it.  Vista has no
more bugs than XP or any other OS.

As far as her accuracy about Vista being discontinued, bogus.  About it
being too expensive to fix...bogus.  It's already fixed, the part that isn't
fixed are press reports and MS haters like Tom who continue attack it
without any facts.

On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 1:57 PM, Marcio <> wrote:

> Thanks to you all. No, she did not say that. She said that Microsoft was
> discontinuing selling Windows Vista (actually that it already discontinued)
> because it would be too expensive to fix it. She meant that Microsoft
> decided to stop selling Windows Vista. That I then would be better off
> staying with the XP Home and wait to see what was coming from Microsoft. I
> have no doubt that this is what she said. Did not mention Premium or
> Business.
> I canĀ“t find in Brazil a Windows Vista Upgrade from Microsoft Home XP
> (Portuguese). So to swith to Vista I would have to start from zero... what a
> pain... but I was willing to do so that I would have a Vista and wait for 7.
> But she said that Microsoft had decided to stop selling all Vistas in no
> uncertain terms.
> Will stay with the XP Home. Do you all see any good reason for me to buy a
> Vista Home (or Premium) and start from scratch? To prepare for 7?
> Marcio
> -----Original Message-----
> >From: Tony B <>
> >Sent: Apr 30, 2009 4:35 PM
> >Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Windows Vista out?
> >
> >My first reaction was "This guy is an idiot". But I think you may have
> just
> >misunderstood. Perhaps he was saying that, for the cost of him installing
> >it, you might be better off waiting a couple years for Windows 7 SP1. Or
> >something.
> >
> >Anyway, MS has no intention of killing off Vista before XP, but like all
> >versions of Windows, it's an incremental upgrade. I wouldn't buy a new
> >computer today without it. The included UAC is about the only protection
> you
> >have against malware these days.
> >
> >PS The version you want is Vista Home *Premium*. Do NOT get Vista Home.
> >Maybe that's what he meant?
> >
> >
> >On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Marcio <> wrote:
> >
> >> Talk with my computer shop today and wanted to buy from them the Windows
> >> Vista Nome SP1 to install on my new computer. The nice owner told me
> that I
> >> should not buy it because Microsoft is taking Vista out of the market
> >> because it would cost them too much to fix all the bugs. Recommended
> that I
> >> stay with my Windows XP Home until we learn what microsoft is going to
> do.
> >
> >
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