> Funny that all my iTunes stuff is either MP3 or MP4. Maybe you are
> running ZuneTunes? Or are you flogging Apple for moving on to MP4 format?
> Got those "MP3 FOREVER" bumper stickers on your car?

Apple stopped selling in the AAC format?  News to me and damned if I
could find a single thing on the iTunes page that mentioned "MP3" or
the like.  All sorts of stuff about "iTunes Plus" tho'.  Even
wikipedia has nothing about switching off of AAC.  I don't buy Apple's
crippled music, so you're going to have to help me out here.

Amazon has no such trouble telling you what you are buying, right up
front you know you're getting MP3s.  Apple wants to cover it up with
so many layers of slick marketing that you have no idea what you're

All the music *in* my iTunes is MP3 as well.  The store, not so much.

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