I've got a pearl I've been experiencing problems with lately.  I get
probably over 100 text msgs a day, lately I've not been able to send MMS..I
get a clock symbol to show it's sending and it never times out nor fail.
I'm going to call or stop in at a tmobile in a day or two, but since you
brought up BB I thought perhaps you had an idea of what is wrong?  This
problem just started out of the blue.

On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 5:00 PM, Jeff Wright <jswri...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > I might go for an iPhone if it didn't come with such an awful provider
> > attached but I also like real buttons on a keyboard which most of the
> > Blackberries have.
> Not to mention a battery that goes for longer than 4 hours.  I'd like to
> trade my 8700g in for a Curve, but I'd also like a 3G network and not EDGE.
> EDGE sucks for web surfing.  I'd have to switch off of T-Mobile or get a
> G-1
> for that.
> RIM just makes rock-solid hardware and OS.
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