Just because they use the word "FiOS" doesn't mean the company
policies/motives differ from those of the cablecos. The laws and regs (they
helped to deveop them through lobbying, etc.) only mandate that you can get
a signal that works with your equipment but it doesn't require those firms
to give that signal to you for free. Thus, it is rare, if not impossible,
for you to be able to "purchase" an interface device that the provider is
"required" to let you use for free access to the provider's content. They
are free to charge you for that interface device on a recurring basis (aka
monthly rental) and are not required to sell it to you or to authorize your
privately acquired device(s) on their system. The old, analog OTA, was
grandfathered in but that is going away with the digital transition. Comcast
is converting the analog tier to digital because of the capacity competition
from Verizon. Up to 6 digital channels fit in the space required for 1
analog channel. Think "business model". It is not unlike the old days of the
Bell monopoly when you were required to rent their devices to use on their
systems to make/receive phone calls. Maybe something similar will happen
there ... we can only hope.

I just switched from Comcast (Baltimore County) to Verizon 2 days ago.
because of the rebate for my bundle and the fact that Comcast had already
begun to "disable" my ability to use my DVDR's & Tivo's for
time-shifting/viewing WETA and the Cartoon Network. No jokes please, I
happen to like Adult Swim. I can eventually get cablecards for my Series 3
but, for now, I'm using the FiOS DVR's to see if I'd prefer use them
(rentals) vs. renting the cable cards needed for the Series 3 since cable
cards do not currently support OnDemand (which I occasionally use) and PPV
(never used).

In answer to the second question, you would get the same channel on all


PS - I miss my PiP, especially during intense sports seasons.

YMMV, part deux

This scotch tastes incredibly expensive . . . I can practically feel my bank
account being emptied with every subsequent dram . . . note the rich
character . . . he is now a poor character. . .

> Subject: Verizon TV Box
> Is it possible to buy the Verizon TV box rather than leasing them? I
> would like to take advantage of the great deals Verizon is pushing
> right now, but the leasing of a box for each TV is a deal killer.
> Are there aftermarket boxes which will work?
> Can we use one box and distribute it around the house to the other TV's?
> Thanks in advance,

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