Thanks Tom and db, for your advice.

My Alsoft advice was from Marc Moorash,  Alsoft Technical Support.

I have no idea about what's in the drive, and I don't want to open it, as it belongs to a friend of mine, not to me.

I will re-boot the iMac, and let my e-mail pile up on Verizon's server, and run only DiskWarrior. If it doesn't come out of Step 1 by Monday morning, I'll give the drive back to my friend. He may then need to just reformat and lose the data that's on it.

Ah, wait! I forgot about my lil' netbook, which I use only for iTunes with my audio system! I'll turn on the wifi on my router (normally off) and get my e-mail as web mail!


On May 8, 2009, at 3:11 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

I'm using Alsoft's DiskWarrior 4.1.1 on a WD 1 TB USB hard drive,
connected to a 2 GHz iMac G5 with 2 GB RAM.
DiskWarrior has now been on for about 48 hours.

Tough question.

I have never seen DW run anything like this long. Step 1 usually runs
quite quickly. Some of the following steps are the slow ones (and some
are optional).

My first instinct is to follow their advice. They are a small company and there is a chance that you were getting advice directly from Al himself, but I can't imagine step 1 running that long. I would have halted it and
started over.

Note that for this kind of program "application not responding" does not
mean it is hung, just that it is busy with the drive.

Never do other work on the computer while DW is running. That is asking
for trouble.

Running DW over USB is asking for trouble. You are sucking the data
bi-directionally through a straw. USB is not good at 2-way traffic. I
would halt DW, pop the drive case, and move the drive to an IDE or SATA connection. I know you can't do that with an iMac. Hopefully you have a friend with a tower model. I would use FireWire before I would use USB.

Is your 1 TB drive really a 1 TB drive or 2 500 TB drives with a RAID
controller? If it is a RAID you may be in very bad shape.

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