Picasa isn't a professional or enthusiast's editor but it enables others ... of which there are many now that digital cameras are $129 and everywhere ... to upload, process, publish, edit, send or publish their pics with a minimum of learning curve, skills and fuss.

Yes... professionals/ enthusiasts would know and want to know file management, file size, compression and rotation issues but why should everyone else know that if they just want to get their pics out of their camera, remove some pink eye, email them or put them on the web for friends and perhaps send some to Walgreens drugstore to get some 4x6 prints mailed back.

Why should they care where their pics are on their computer if Picasa knows (and will tell you if you want to know...)?... why does it matter which way is up if Picasa transparently takes care of that when needed in process?... why should people have to laboriously create separate sets of low res pics for emailing or web purposes if Picasa will resize as appropriate when needed?

In a time when SO MANY pics NEVER get out of people's cameras, I think Picasa is a wonderful and invaluable photo processing tool.

I have had and used Photoshop for years and still use it for real retouching/modding but I AM SO GLAD that Picasa came along because now I can attend an event with friends, shoot pics and short videos, come home upload and web publish them for my friends in 10 mins before I go to bed. FOR FREE ... or close to free.

I am so relieved that Picasa has come along and eliminated all the photo processing drudgery for me when I don't need to or care to partake in it.


Steve at Verizon wrote:
Won't address your other criticisms, but File Management couldn't be easier.
Tools=>Options=>General     Save Imported Pictures in
I manage all in a  My Pictures folder on an external HD.

Tony B wrote:
If we're taking a vote, I'd put Picasa at the bottom of any list. Yes,
it "simplifies" things, but it does so by *hiding* everything from the

i.e., First, users have no idea *where* they're keeping their
pictures. Might be in c root, might be 15 levels down. File management
techniques are one of the first things a digital photographer MUST
learn. Not with Picasa.

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