You should read up on those lawsuits in the EU...really ridiculous stuff.
Kinda hard to claim IE has an monopoly when their marketshare is on a

On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Tom Piwowar <> wrote:

> >You bought that one?
> >> As BHO recently announced, "Science is back."
> Well I was it was gone for 8 years and now I see it again. Doesn't that
> count as "back"? As the little kids say "Back Obama."
> Today BHO is announcing that the government is back into enforcing the
> antitrust laws. In the previous 8 years not a single action was brought
> by the government on this basis. Americans had to depend on the EU to
> protect us from the worst ravages of the predatory monopolists. So law
> and order are back too.
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