>You'd think that something so wonderful could operate in the energy market 
>without constant federal support.

You are happy when the government "leases" public land for coal, oil and 
gas extraction and gets paid little of nothing for it, but when it acts 
to promote a more balanced energy policy you act outraged. (I worked on 
the National Energy Plan for close to 10 years so I do know something 
about this.)

>Stopped clock and all.  And without a profit-driven market to recognize 
>what such a resource could be, we, the public, would never have had an 
>"Internet."  It would still be the realm of academia and military otherwise.

That is simply untrue propaganda. You have no facts to back this up. You 
are of course defending another massive government give away to greedy 
corporations -- corporate welfare. The public funded the development and 
took all the risks. When it became very apparent that it was a success 
the greedy rushed in and took things over for free. The greedy bellyache 
about collecting every last cent for their "intellectual property," but 
would be outraged if asked to pay for what they appropriated.

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