What? As an American, where is it my, or our job to protect Russians by performing torture on others who aren't attacking the USA? Sorry, but my feelings are that torture is torture. Try and rename it and rationalize it all you want. It still, with our history of wars and trials, a war crime for all who participated. "I was just following orders," is a BS argument. As humans we are all born with this amazing thing, choice. The military is bound by "legal" orders. When torture is concerned that's been pretty much a no brainer. Ignoring established military conduct and USA law shows a complete contempt or disregard for USA laws and morals and the idea of right and wrong. If someone brings up 9/11, remember that old saying, 2 wrongs don't make a right.

Jeff M

On May 16, 2009, at 11:22 AM, mike wrote:

So the choice is to read one mag who supports enhanced interrogation, or one
that thought Joe was a great guy when he was killing as many as 20,000
Russians a month?

On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 11:01 AM, Tom Piwowar <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

That base is not nearly as broad as that of The Nation,
many whose supporters are not wealthy.

Thank you. Why am I not surprised that I was being mislead? Maybe the
cons/neocons predilection for enhanced interrogarion comes from their
knowledge that they would otherwise never tell the truth.

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