> 1. I have an iMac PPC. Some (day? year?) I'll buy an iMac Intel.
> 2. The latest version of NeoOffice is 3.0, and it runs on Mac PPC and Mac 
> Intel.
> 3. The latest version of OpenOffice is 3.1, and it runs on Mac Intel but not 
> Mac PPC.
> 4. The latest version of OpenOffice that runs on Mac PPC is 2.4.
> I think that for now I'm better off using NeoOffice 3.0 rather than 
> OpenOffice 2.4, and that when I get an iMac Intel, evaluate switching from 
> NeoOffice X.Y to OpenOffice X.(Y+1). Opinions?

You're better off with NeoOffice, unless you have installed X11 or are
willing to install X11 on your Mac.  OpenOffice up until 3.0 required
X11 to function on the Mac, which is why NeoOffice exists.  It's also a
port of OpenOffice.  It's similar in function to OpenOffice, just a port
for the Mac.  It works as is, why mess with it?

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