The OP did not state whether the monitor was an LCD or a CRT. If a CRT, even
if the power indicator light had failed, you might hear the power surge to
start the tube. I had a really good LCD monitor fail because of the stupid,
cheap power switch. I assume it is an older monitor that just might have
given up the ghost just because you moved it.

This scotch tastes incredibly expensive . . . I can practically feel my bank
account being emptied with every subsequent dram . . . note the rich
character . . . he is now a poor character. . .

Subject: Re: monitor suddenly won't work in new computer
> > The light on the monitor no longer comes on when one tries to turn it
> > on
> > even when it's just plugged into the outlet and not connected to the
> > computer.
> Make sure that the power plug didn't come loose at the monitor while you
> were moving things around.  Remove the cord from the A/C outlet on the
> monitor itself and reinsert firmly.
> Start simple, then work up to more complex theories.

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