Those who were going on about Wii being better than Xbox should look at the
video of the MS's E3 press conference yesterday:

Start at around 88 minutes; watch the presentation video, then skip Steven
Spielberg and watch the live demo by Orange Shirt Guy. Project Natal is a
full 3-D body motion capture, voice recognition, and facial recognition (it
knows who you are as soon as you walk into its view). The motion capture
resolves each limb separately, recognizes motion toward and away from the
set, and handles multiple players at once. There's no controller at all.
Very cool stuff, and it will work with all existing Xbox consoles.

There's lots more, too, if you have time to watch more of it (e.g., instant,
shareable 1080p movies). The whole shebang is nearly two hours long and
should put a stop to any "Wii is better" comments, which were already silly
and are now ridiculous.

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