In the last few weeks, I've gone to several programs on marketing at which the presenters said that it was TREMENDOUSLY important to blog. Blogging is supposed to a) show employers how wonderful you are, or b) help establish a "marketing platform" to sell your unpublished book to a publisher. (You're supposed to say, "I've got 5,000 subscribers to my blog already, and they've been reading excerpts of my novel for months; when my book hits the stores they'll all buy it, and you'll make HEAPS of profit!) The presenters usually give more reasons why you should blog, but these are the two that are important for me.

Since there are only 24 hours in the day, and blogging takes time, I'd like to ask the group a few questions:

1.  Do you blog?  What's your blog like?

2. Do you get anything out of it (besides the satisfaction of writing)? Help for your business, a job, advertising revenue, publicity for your nonprofit organization, a paycheck, help getting your work published, etc.?

3.  Are you positive or negative about the whole blogging experience?

--Constance Warner

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