How about just notifying us of seperate components that have nothing to do
with itunes being installed?  I realize to you Apple doing this is A-ok
double plus whatever you say, but some of us don't like it apple or MS.

On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 9:56 AM, t.piwowar <> wrote:

> On Jun 8, 2009, at 11:54 AM, Jeff Wright wrote:
>> Except that I have no need for this and Apple thinks it below them to
>> even deign to ask the lowly user if they don't want to install
>> Bonjour.
> You are not installing Bonjour. You are installing iTunes. To do that you
> had to download iTunes and run the installer. In the process you read and
> assented to lots of conditions. Nobody is forcing you to use iTunes. There
> are lots of alternatives.
> By your rules, every application would have to display a list of every
> component to let you decide one by one which ones you want. That would be
> silly and would make writing the software very expensive because it would
> have to work under so many different configurations. There is nothing wrong
> with iTunes being of a single piece, take it or leave it.
> This is very different than the operating system vendor pushing down
> updates that modify third-party software. Worse yet, the modifications
> bypass security features of that third-party software that are a major
> competitive feature of that software. What I think makes it criminal is that
> M$ is a convicted monopolist and Mozilla is a direct competitor in this
> market. M$'s prior conviction was largely due to their previous assault on
> Mozilla. Now they want to "knife the baby" a second time!
> Let me put it another way. What makes this wrong is the same reasoning that
> bans convicted child molesters from areas around schools and playgrounds.
> They can't be trusted.
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