Rev. Stewart Marshall
> Never been involved in retail marketing have you? Anything
> a company does is considered a revenue stream.

> Some companies make money on the front some make it on the
> back some make it every step of the way.
 <marketing stuff snipped>

> OSX has come out with how many versions over the past
> 10 years?

Looks to be about 7 or 8 versions...

> MS has had only three.  XP, Vista and later this year
> Win 7.

(I'm a little confused now - there was Windows 3.0, Win98,
Windows NT, etc.)

> XP has had 3 SP and Vista has had 1.  Windows did not
> charge for any of the updates or service packs over the
> years.

Apple also comes out with Service Packs, MS does theirs on a
monthly basis with the occasional "Oh! Crap!" tossed in for
good measure.  Apple's patches aren't as frequent but they
cost the same as the ones from MS (they're free).

> If a person had purchased XP ,Vista (Home premium) and
> Win 7.  They might have spent as much money on OS as a
> person buying all the different versions of OSX*.* over
> the same time period.

It seems that if a person buys a Windows upgrade they
usually need to buy more horsepower to get performance.  Apple
seems to be able to deliver OS upgrades without requiring new
h/w purchases.  So, yes, people running Mac's can upgrade from
10.3 to 10.4 to 10.5 much easier than going from a 2005 era
Windows XP installation to Windows Vista installation, but
Windows 7 might be acceptable on the XP installation (reported
to have acceptable performance on a netbook).

> I would like to see Win 7 marketed just over the $100 mark to
> get it out there and into as many hands as it could possibly
> get into.  No matter what type of authentication service you
> use someone will crack it.  So market the crap out of it,
> price it at the sweet spot and sell the hell out of it.

Vista gave MS a bad reputation.  After all of these patches,
etc. it's probably okay, but the reputation lingers on.  A
good (read cheap) might remedy some of the reputation.

Take care  | This clown speaks for himself, his job doesn't
Wayne D.   | supply this, at least not directly
Managing senior programmers is like herding cats!

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