1000 times better then Obama? What planet are you living on? I'm not one to bad mouth Elvis. I was never a fan but hand nothing against him. So he never qualified for my praise or condemnation. On the other hand Obama was elected to clean up the mess. And with a few exceptions I have, he's been doing a pretty good job considering what he's had to deal with. I used to be a staunch conservative. That was until the neocons took over things. These people are nuts. I totally agree with some news reporters I've heard that predict the independent party will be the next major party next to the democratic party.

Jeff M

On Jun 11, 2009, at 2:46 PM, Bill Wajert wrote:

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 10:18 AM, Jeff Wright<jswri...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 50 million Elvis fans can't be wrong.

They think he is still alive.

> Look at it another way.  If this were a presidential election, what
> words would you use to describe the voting gap between 1st and 2nd
> place?  Don't tell me you still have McGovern and Mondale bumper
> stickers tucked away.

W won the two elections before Obama. Was he the best we had to offer?


He might not have been the best we had to offer, but he is 1000 times better
than Obama.


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