Just a reminder that you may have to run the "scan for all channels" several times. Did so yesterday, but then lost some and had to run again today. Seems the broadcasters a shifting frequencies at different times. (And relocating from where they were originally.)

betty wrote:
> It *was* broke, now it's fixed. For a while, anyway. You wouldn't
> really consider driving a 1940 model car today, would you? Your 'fire'
> analogy is a really bad one because DTV is a set of standards, not a
> universal chemical process.

Nobody around here can get all the channels they had with analog. None of my friends have more than one or two channels even friends who live much closer to the broadcast towers. In case you haven't noticed, fire still works. Our TVs don't. Even friends with digital TVs--we have two--get few channels even with new antennae. I'm so excite!! I got ONE secondary digital channel today!! And NOTHING else.

Sure looks like the people who did the survey found an area with good reception and asked those folks. The hell with the rest of us who have almost nothing now. Of course the National Association of Broadcasters would say good things about DTV. DUH.

'Fire' adheres to the 'standards' set forth in the laws of Thermodynamics. DTV standards aren't sufficient to provide over-the-air broadcasting, except where the NAB does their limited polling. Your idea of broken is bizarre, considering the replacement is much worse, and the excess bandwidth is being sold instead of leased, denying taxpayers revenue that our gummint needs, and has received before the sales. Bad standards, bad implementation.

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