At 11:16 PM 6/22/2009 -0400, you wrote:
The office called today and asked a technical question about one of
their video cameras. Of course, my first response was to shout at the
boss RTFM! But, she _does_ pay me for this type of thing, so I googled
the manual. I found it on Retrevo, apparently a new service. I can see
a real need for this type of service.

Then there are items sold with NO manuals! I have one of those remote sensor thermometers and needed to change the batteries last week. I knew there was some sort of trick to setting them up. I never throw ANY manual away, but seemed to remember we had to go online to find the instructions.

The web site is written on the back of the thermometer! Very convenient--as long as one has access to a computer. :) I did print off a couple of pages though, for the few things that I might really need to know in the future, and put them in the file with my other manuals.


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