On Jul 15, 2009, at 10:50 PM, Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A. wrote:
So, if Microsoft elected to STOP you from using another browser- it's their
software, admit, leave me alone- it would be ok.

But it is not their market. When any large corporation makes anti- competitive actions it damages the market. If the damage is slight we let it pass. If the damage is major we go after the bastards.

I just don't understand your attraction to lawlessness and the condoning of bad behavior. The market belongs to us collectively and it is a collective responsibility to protect it. When we fail to do that we risk market meltdowns like we now have, which is due to the failure of financial market regulators and likely corrupt administration intervention in support of the bad guys. Imagine how unlivable it would be if the current market meltdown were repeated every year or two.

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