Banks _Love_ it when their customers use debit/credit cards instead of
cash!  They make so much from both parties in the transaction - two
revenue streams to tend; fees all around!

Chris, those 70's comparisons certainly didn't include charge-backs on
the cards.  Most of us who still write checks for most purchases (say
20-30/month for a single-user personal account) are less likely to
bounce checks than the large numbers using them in the 70's.  I opened
my account over 30 years ago and have never bounced a check.  I use
plastic in the few large merchant stores I visit, buying on the web,
travel and in urban places.  

I use checks out in the rural area I live in, where many people know me.
Merchants in some places still like to get paid in cash or check because
the risk of a bad check is cheaper than the fees they pay for the
plastic.  Other places, not so much, because the risks are different.

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-----Original Message-----
This is true, but not the whole story. Checks aren't free either: some
percentage of them bounce, and we have to pay for that too. This isn't
an issue with credit card purchases.

When I worked for a bank back in the 70s, we had statistics proving that
the credit card discount rate was actually less than the check loss
rate. I don't know if that's still true, but it certainly was back then.

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