> I think you have a problem understanding what economists call the
> Commons.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_commons
> Markets are a common good from which we all benefit and which we must
> all protect (or suffer the consequences).

Each according to their needs, eh Thomas?   You seriously misunderstand the
concept of the commons.

A commons is something that everyone can use and enjoy equally, such as the
Internet or a grassy area.  That's all fine and dandy unless someone abuses
their "share" of the commons.  For example, spam overwhelming an ISP or a
sheep herder takes his sheep to eat and defecate in the grass in the field
that everyone else enjoys as a recreation area; that's the situation known
as "The tragedy of the commons."

A market is a collection of inputs, outputs and information.  No one can own
it as there is nothing to own.

A single company can dominate a given market, but in no way does that make
it illegal or abusive by default.   

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