As an end goal yes I think Single Payer is the way to go ... but as someone very astutely pointed out recently ... if Congress was to vote for single payer this year ... which it won't ... it would be a disaster for the single payer movement. Trying to switch 200 million plus American's over to single payer at once would result in such a procedural traffic jam and problems that the movement would never recover from it. Incremental is good. If a legitimate public insurance alternative is now established so there is real choice, the public will follow with their pocketbooks as the system begins to work and "show its stuff" and hospitably accept them. So much will need to be worked out. As with anything, deployment, testing and troubleshooting takes time. 200 million early adopters riding the bleeding edge? Be careful what you wish for....


Marcio wrote:
 I am a physician, I may say a atypical physician. Americans will do the right 
thing after trying everything else. I have no doubts: the Single Payer is the 
wau to go. www.pnhp.og


-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan <>
Sent: Jul 26, 2009 10:28 AM
Subject: [CGUYS] Healthcare

I hope your mother has recovered well.

Ten years ago I joined the PA Farm Bureau so I could get group rate Blue Cross through them. I don't recall exactly, but the cost then was about $350 per quarter, per person. Three or four years later it had gone to $1000 per month for my wife and I. Several members of my wife's family have died of colon cancer but this very expensive plan would not cover a colonoscopy. I'm sure there are 10s of millions of stories of this sort and much worse in this country at this point. And then there are the millons that have no hope of health care at all.

Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:
Just this past May my mother fell in France and broke both her femurs.

My mother has both Medicare and Tricare for life. (My father was retired military reserves)

Medicare will not cover you outside the US.

Tricare will cover her surgery and hospital stay but it had to be paid for up front.

Total cost (All inclusive) for surgeries and hospital stay of one week was $12,000 US. Same stay and surgeries in the US would have been approximately $50,000.

US health care has found ways to line every ones pocket for a simple procedure.

Have some blood drawn and you will get two to three bills. Doctors office for drawing blood, lab for running tests, and pathologist for reviewing lab results. Now that is criminal and outrageous.

There is a better way to do this and it is going to take some time, but it is about time they start addressing it.

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