On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 4:26 PM, Matthew Taylor<taylorsmatt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 1.  We would not be looking at record deficits

  Who are you blaming for that?

> 2.  We would not be elevating tax cheats to positions of power.

  Is this something new?

> 3.  The president would not be calling police responding to 911 calls
> stupid.

  He didn't call them stupid.

> 4.  We would not be about to confirm a Supreme Court justice who does not
> accept a right to self defense, who thinks foreign law (outside of treaties)
> has bearing on the US Constitution, and who flat out lies to congress to get
> confirmed.

  Give us all bazookas, howitzers and other artillery.  Why are most
explosive weapons banned if we have an absolute right to keep and bear

  We poop on treaties.  Just ask our own original inhabitants.

> 5.  The government would own a majority stakes in GM

  Really?  You know that for a fact?

> 6.  We would not need a site such as this:
>        /http://joebidensaidthat.com/

  We really don't need such a site, we just happen to have one.  Ain't
America great?  I'll take a VP who merely says some dumb things as
opposed to a VP, Cheney, who says and then actually does dumb things.


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