Should drivers who are operating private vehicles with computerized
gadgets affixed to windshields be subject to ticketing?  Such devices,
mounted to windshields, or that in any way prevent an unobstructed
view, are illegal in every state.  Still, almost all makers of such
devices provide instructions about how to mount these devices to your
windshield, and provide the hardware to do so.

  The U.S. Dept. of Transportation has recently listed such devices,
GPS units and satellite radio receivers, as being contributory to
crashes along with cell phone use while driving.  Since almost all
placement of such devices on windshields is illegal, should citations
be issued or should we just go ahead and make it legal for any kind of
device to be affixed to windshields at the whim of the driver?

  Also, what of the growing trend for dash mounted computers and
fixtures that allow for a driver to be able to conveniently use their
laptops while they are driving?  Should such use be legal or illegal?
On a tangential note, car makers have struggled with this issue for
some time now from a safety standpoint, and for the most part, they
have taken the approach that they will go ahead and make such
"amenities" available on their models, leaving it up to the purchaser
to make the decision about when and where to use them.  The industry
says that they have to provide these optional devices even though they
are aware of the high potential of a negative impact upon safety
because of they do not, other makers will, resulting in a loss new car


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