All the very logical sounding arguments fall away when measured against actual stats. But the sure sound good.

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On Aug 11, 2009, at 9:39 AM, Constance Warner <> wrote:

Well, yes. But what are you going to do when you're caught in the crossfire when Biker Dude, Bus Driver Dude, and Grandma get in a shootout with Armed Robbery Dude, when he tries to relieve them of their wallets? Which is a stupid thing to do; all the advice I've ever heard [from safety and law-enforcement sources] is to just hand over your wallet to your attacker, on the theory that it's better to lose your money than your life. [They also recommend that you carry a dummy wallet for just such occasions, when visiting questionable neighborhoods.]

I don't buy the whole intimidation via citizens-carrying-guns thing. Street criminals are not noted for intelligence, sobriety, and forethought. Will the mugger check you out all that carefully--to see whether or not you have got a gun in a shoulder holster, or in your waistband under your jacket, for example--before demanding your wallet at gun-point? Once he jumps out from behind the dumpster and points a gun at you, it's too late for your firearm to do you any good. If you try to draw it, you're dead. If Stupid Street Criminal discovers that you are armed, and he's got a gun pointed at you, do you think he's just going to take your money and leave you standing there, to shoot HIM as he walks away? He's probably just smart enough to imagine what could happen if he did THAT. Of course, you, as Mr. Lawful Citizen, would then be on the hook for second-degree murder, which would have decidedly unpleasant consequences; but I wouldn't count on Stupid Street Criminal to think of that if he's got a gun pointed at you.

And you'd better hope that gun-carrying Biker Dude, Bus Driver Dude, and Grandma are sane, sober, anger-controlled, and at the top of their psychological game 100% of the time. Likewise all the other citizens who are going about their daily business armed, as though they were living on the western frontier in 1880, or in many places in the world today [such as Somalia] that do not have the rule of law. [BTW, in such places, a firearm is not a guarantee of safety. If Armed Robbery Dude, Evil Guerilla Dude, or Army Death Squad Dude even SUSPECT that you are armed, they will shoot first and ask questions later.]

--Constance Warner
On Aug 11, 2009, at 2:55 AM, Jeff Miles wrote:

I've known and feel safer around biker dudes then I ever do around 14 year olds. So Tom's example was an apt one. However, if I had a gun, grandma sitting next to me had a gun and the bus driver had a gun, I'd feel more safe.

On Aug 9, 2009, at 1:57 PM, b_s-wilk wrote:

About a week ago I was in a quicktrip getting gas and a drink before was probably 11.30 at night. In front of me was a guy who clearly was a biker, had the whole outfit on including what looked like a nice 9mm at his side. I felt decidedly safer with him there...who is going to rob
the quickie mart while he's around?

He will. And then he'll rob you. Biker dude still makes you feel safe?

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