You can pull one case to back your argument about anything.

If you really want to look at the issue try John Lott's book.

On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Constance Warner <> wrote:

> Shoot back?  SHOOT BACK?  If you're in a shooting match, regardless of the
> source of the guns or the justice of your cause, your chances of death or
> serious injury just went up by several thousand per cent.  Empowering
> citizens to shoot back at the bad guys might be justifiable if there were NO
> cops, NO law, and NO courts.  [Actually, we have cops, law, and courts;
> we're luckier in that respect than they are in many countries in the world
> today.]  But with a "shoot back when warranted" policy, you're postulating a
> situation in which amateur, untrained citizens are charge of individualized
> law enforcement, using lethal force.  This is, to put it mildly, a risk
> management nightmare.
> I don't know what "places with strict gun control" you are staying out of.
>  Most parts of Washington, D.C., are safe, in part because there are so many
> cops--and so many different kinds of cops.  They're EVERYWHERE.  They even
> watch out for minor transgressions (like using a tripod without a permit),
> which is annoying; but at least they're there.  And I haven't noticed much
> gun crime in Montgomery County lately, either, so you could always come here
> to shop, dine, and enjoy our parks.  [In the one exception to this rule--the
> 2002 snipers--guns carried by honest citizens would not have helped.  You
> can look up the details, if you want to verify this.]
> --Constance Warner
> On Aug 11, 2009, at 1:50 PM, Fred Holmes wrote:
>  We should license good citizens to carry guns so that they could shoot
>> back when warranted.  You can't take guns away from the criminals.  It just
>> won't happen.  You can't take drugs away from those who want them.  They get
>> them anyway from the black (street) market.  There are a lot more
>> "unintended consequences" than the simplistic argument below would indicate.
>>  If you don't allow the good citizen to carry a gun, he won't, and the
>> criminals will know that their victims will always be unarmed.  Knowing
>> that, the criminals commit more crime.
>> I stay out of places with strict gun control as much as I possibly can.
>>  The crime rate (risk of getting attacked) is much higher in those places.
>> Fred Holmes
>> At 12:21 PM 8/11/2009, wrote:
>>> On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 11:36 AM, TPiwowar<> wrote:
>>>  Using Microsoft popularity-malware logic suggests that the more people
>>>> who
>>>> are walking around with weapons the more often those weapons will be
>>>> used.
>>>  Microsoft logic or not, I would agree.  Just about every human is
>>> already armed with fists, yet fists rarely stop fist fights from
>>> happening, and in fact, they cause them to happen.
>>>  I would have to think that if it came to pass where it was legal for
>>> just about everybody to be walking around with loaded guns, that big
>>> switch blades, machetes, blackjacks, brass knucks and all sorts of
>>> other weapons of destruction would also be legal.  After all, guns are
>>> more lethal and dangerous than those others, so if guns become okay to
>>> pack around, why not less lethal devices?  Otherwise, only allowing
>>> legal gun toting would be nothing but a sop to the gun lobby and
>>> enthusiasts.  Why not let the individual choose their own WMD?  Who
>>> would want government making such decisions for you?
>>>  Steve
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