Cops aren't there to protect you, they are there to clean up the mess after.

On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Fred Holmes <> wrote:

> The potential for a citizen to shoot back is a _very big deterrent_.  Crime
> rates go down.
> Trained citizens will do very well shooting back.  Takes a lot of training.
>  Some will do it.
> Cops, law and courts are all too late.  The bad guy has already taken your
> money and maybe your life.
> Don't license untrained individuals (I presume that's what you mean by
> amateurs).  But don't require a person to be a paid police officer in order
> to carry a gun.
> Fred Holmes
> At 04:38 PM 8/11/2009, Constance Warner wrote:
> >Shoot back?  SHOOT BACK?  If you're in a shooting match, regardless
> >of the source of the guns or the justice of your cause, your chances
> >of death or serious injury just went up by several thousand per
> >cent.  Empowering citizens to shoot back at the bad guys might be
> >justifiable if there were NO cops, NO law, and NO courts.  [Actually,
> >we have cops, law, and courts; we're luckier in that respect than
> >they are in many countries in the world today.]  But with a "shoot
> >back when warranted" policy, you're postulating a situation in which
> >amateur, untrained citizens are charge of individualized law
> >enforcement, using lethal force.  This is, to put it mildly, a risk
> >management nightmare.
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