We used to have neighbors who took out their guns and shot each other when they had family feuds. Most of them ended up in the ER with treatable wounds. A couple were killed. Doesn't make us feel safe to have any neighbors like that whether we have our own guns/rifles ourselves. Stray bullets can hit anything or anybody. Another neighbor used a marker in the neighbor's yard behind his house for target practice. There's a bar down the road where gunfights and deaths were common, and widely known, until it closed last year.

That's what happens when firearms laws are so lax that stupid people have too many guns. Probably bought them in Virginia. Probably got to VA in stolen and/or unlicensed cars.

This thread ignores that most gun murders are committed by family
members and acquaintances.  Others die in the cross-fire.  I don't deny
the second amendment, but toting guns mostly just generates false

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-----Original Message-----

Think about arriving in a town where everybody is armed to the teeth.

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