Too true.

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 11:27 AM,

> On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 1:24 PM, mike<> wrote:
> > I've got two drives, identical hardware, one is a direct copy/backup of
> the
> > other.  The internal one shows 20 gigs less then the external backup.
>  This
> > after running the sync, running defrag and error checking the the drives.
> >
> > There is a disk tool that is free that shows who/what/when/where your HD
> > space has gone and I can't recall the name for anything.
>   When asking such questions, it is always helpful to inform readers
> what OS you are needing such a tool for.  Almost invariably, when OS
> info is not provided, it turns out to be a Windows user because they
> seem to forget that not everyone uses Windows.  That being the case,
> and since it is therefore virtually certian that you are needing a
> utility for a Windows machine, i cannot be of any help.  Can someone
> please help this Windows user?
>  Steve
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