> Date:    Tue, 18 Aug 2009 11:18:31 -0400
> From:    Tony B <ton...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Disk geometry error - solved but not cured
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> I've seen lots of disks with extra partitions for manufacturer stuff.
> But usually it's a simple matter to just ignore it and toss in a newly
> copied hard drive.
> I guess what I'm saying is this explanation doesn't make sense to me.
> Do you have a link for further reading? Or is this just another reason
> not to use Acronis?
> PS Yes, there are still a few people on this list that like to talk
> about computers. For now.

Hi Tony. Yes my message was abbreviated and light on details. I didn't want
to get caught in the cross-fire of a debate. ;->

I should have gone to the Acronis site straight away, because 15 minutes of
poking through their support forums uncovered the issue. Apparently it
happens when ...

a. You have a disk with an HPA, which Dell uses for Media Direct;
b. You use Acronis to clone a disk to a larger disk.

Start here: http://www.goodells.net/dellrestore/mediadirect.htm
and here: http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=166906#9

I have nothing but good to say about Acronis. (knock-on-wood) I could
probably cook up some good scripts in Linux using `dd` `rsync` and `zip`,
and achieve the same effect, but I do like me my Acronis.

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