TWIT podcast this week also discussed Dvorak's column and the complaints
about it all the way to the white house.  It wasn't just the degree that set
Dvorak off, it was also Kundra's behavior during an appearance at I believe
was in front of some senators.  His basic point being the guy was full of BS
web 2.0 doubletalk that makes no sense when actually analyzed.  But then you
listen to almost anyone in any administration they spend more time not
saying anything the more they talk.

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 11:41 PM, John Duncan Yoyo <
> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 6:19 PM, TPiwowar <> wrote:
> > On Aug 19, 2009, at 5:30 PM, John Duncan Yoyo wrote:
> >
> >> Dvorak was more annoyed with the quality of the school he went to.
> >>
> >
> > U Md has a very good Computer Science program. It is the best in this
> area,
> > which has lots of schools with CS departments.
> It was the degree coming through the University College portion of U Md
> that
> set Dvorak off along with taking 6 years to get a degree in psychology.  As
> someone who took rather longer than the 5 years my program was scheduled to
> take I find no reason to judge on anything beyond the final product.
> >
> >
> > Kundra has also demonstrated the ability to think independently and
> > innovate. When someone can do that I'm not going to be looking at his
> > degree.
> >
> --
> John Duncan Yoyo
> -------------------------------o)
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