An uncle of mine who lives by himself and just bought his first computer... a new Leopard iMac... reported that there were mysterious windows showing on his desktop when he would wake the computer up to check his email (He doesn't turn it off...). I live on the opposite side of the country so I logged on via LogMeIn and found that there currently were three iChat / AIM transcripts ... not really transcripts of two way conversation but 3 different strangers saying hello basically.

Under iChat preferences besides a Bonjour acct., there also was a account operating on port 5190. I deleted the account but am very curious how it could have gotten there...

I've heard of hackers surreptitiously using iChat, microphone and camera to spy on people etc and was wondering if this was what was going on ... or worse... ?

Currently he has no use whatsoever for iChat (he's just learning to mouse about, read emails etc... he hasn't even sent an email yet...) and I'd like to make sure his computer and iChat are secure and impervious to more of the same.

Can anyone tell me what probably occurred and what are the best procedures for securing iChat/ AIM that won't also block the LogMeIn remote login that I use to give him lessons?


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