Those were your deep conclusions not theirs. I can't help if you can't even read the links you post.

Sent from my iPod

On Sep 4, 2009, at 9:44 AM, TPiwowar <> wrote:

On Sep 3, 2009, at 8:20 PM Sep 3, Mike wrote:
Might want to actually read the link you posted, it gave fairly detailed and valid reasons for not switching. Unless no application support on the mac for the companies main business isn't valid....i suppose they could change what they do for a living to fit into the mac mold instead of using the best tool for the job.

"We made poor choices and painted ourselves into a corner" is not a valid excuse.
"We are too lazy to learn new software" is not a valid excuse.
"Our users are stupid" is probably just projection.
"Doesn't support our 034 keypunches" isn't a valid excuse either.
This was sorry bunch of underachievers.

Also interesting how quickly they were able to come to these deep conclusions. Unless they had lined up at the Apple Store there is no way they could have examined the software before making their pronouncements. Of course if you were to ask these bozos about a M$ OS that has not yet shipped I'm sure they would tell you how wonderful it is.

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