Thanks to all who responded. I'll be checking out the recommendations, and I'll let you know what happens if / when / I switch.

I'm currently using ez web-host ( I use them to "forward" various mailing lists, some of which recently became in-accessible for some reason. When I asked for help with this via a "trouble ticket," it took about 5 1/2 hours to get the lists accessible again. No explanation, just a note that they were back up. Then the CPANEL for another site became inaccessible for some (still) unexplained reason. The message I got said that I had too much information on the site, but I'm only using about 25% of the space I am contracting for. That was fixed a bit faster, but still with no explanation. I am not a "technically" oriented computer user, so I find all of this very frustrating, especially when I have to explain issues by e-mail and then wait - however long - for a response.

Anyway, thanks! This week-end's project is to figure out where - & when - to move my sites.


Mical Wimoth Carton

On Sep 5, 2009, at 12:29 PM, COMPUTERGUYS-L automatic digest system wrote:

From: TPiwowar <>
Date: September 5, 2009 11:04:38 AM EDT
Subject: Re: Mac friendly web host recommendation

On Sep 5, 2009, at 9:42 AM Sep 5, wrote:
I am very unhappy with my current webhost. They have no phone access when problems arise, and lately they've been causing problems with mail list access and web host issues as well.

To be fair you need to tell us the host you find so terrible. Hosts who provide bad service will get away with it if you don't share your displeasure.

I know this has been discussed before, but I can't seem to find the archived posts. I would like a local host if possible, but I definitely am interested in dealing with a Mac friendly host, and one with phone help available, at least during business hours.

These days I find that the typical good hosting service is sufficiently Mac friendly that I don't need to look for any special Mac attention. If the service runs on Apache servers you can expect both Macs and PCs to be handled about equally. After all the Web belongs to Unix, not M$. So just avoid clueless hosting services that litter their home pages with M$ trademarks.

I'm doing very well with a big hosting company: They are international so their call centers span the globe. That means I can get help 24/7/365. In most cases the service from the distant call centers is just fine and when I call it is not to ask easy questions. Calls usually get answered by a human tech after just a few rings. The first person you speak to will be a tech and not a level-1 type who just does triage. The first person you speak to will probably be the last person you speak to. The basic service is priced low and is completely adequate. Their control panel lets me manage my accounts very easily. They have extensive online help. They offer lots of extra services as part of the basic package. While they also offer M$-based services to appeal to the ignorant masses, their Unix-based services are M$ free. Their help files treat M$ and Apple OSs evenhandedly.

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